I have been
working on a research, for quite some time, which examines the causes that led
to the downfall of the Greek Civilization. The reason why I began my research
was a book I read that led me to get- involved with this particular subject.
The Emperor of Byzantium Julian, whom the church, with an ignorant
naïveté that has and promotes, had characterized as an Offender,
was the one who has written that book. I must insist on this label, as I will
validate it in the next lines of this document. The following two photographs
have been in my hands for quite some time now.
closely the two above photographs. If you compare the photograph of the
After this, I
began searching for resemblances in other Christian temples, e.g. the
My research,
also, has been extended to the temples of other religions. Everywhere I looked
there was the same resemblance with the space shuttle. Of course, every nation
and every religion has a different style.
generally speaking, there is the central cupola (relation to the main fuel
reservoir), the smaller cupolas (belfries) (relation to the booster rockets),
and the chambers (oval) - (relation to the nozzles). Particularly, regarding
the Christian temples, an absolute resemblance does indeed exist. Regarding the
Moslem temples, most of the times, only the main reservoir appears to be
similar - the central cupola and definitely the minarets as the belfries of the
Christian temples. Resemblance also exists in the temples of other monotheist religions (Buddhist
religion, Japanese religion, religion of the Chinese, Hindu religion).
An enormous
query was born inside my mind, regarding the causes of such striking
resemblances and the relation that exists between the temples as places of
worship and the space shuttle. I tried to come up with some sort of an
explanation until it
came up to me when I read Homer’s Odyssey and particularly rhapsody z', chapter
42. It is the following text:
He had
Ç ìåí Üñ ùò åéðïýó' áðÝâç ãëáõêþðéò ÁèÞíç Ïýëõìðüíä', üèé öáóß èåþí Ýäïò áóöáëÝò áåß Ýììåíáé. Ïýô' áíÝìïéóé
ôéíÜóóåôáé ïýôå ðïôÝ üìâñù äåýåôáé
ïýôå ÷éþí åðéðßëíáôáé, áëëÜ ìÜë'
áßèñç ðÝðôáôáé áíÝöåëïò,
ëåõêÞ ä'åðéäÝäñïìåí áßãëç. Ôþ
Ýíé ôÝñðïíôáé ìÜêáñåò èåïß Þìáôá ðÜíôá. Åíè áðÝâç ãëáõêþðéò, åðåß äéåðÝöñáãå êïýñç"
translation follows:
“When she had
said this Athena went away to
This means
that Homer gave us an accurate description of a space shuttle, since in space
there are on storms neither rain, snowfalls do not exist, neither clouds.
Absolute silences reigns and since it is constantly facing the sun in order to
receive its energy (sun orbit), it is always bathed in the sunlight. Therefore,
there is something in common between the temples of current religions and what
Homer describes as the residence of gods of
further studying of the procedures followed in religious masses shows that
there is a large resemblance with the procedures followed during the launch of
a space shuttle or a vehicle in space. I.e. 1. The
building as a site resembles the space shuttle. 2. The belfries that produce a
continuous noise with their bells, in relation to the noise caused at the
ignition of fuels and the launch of the shuttle. 3. The psalmodies during the
course of the mass, namely a continuous noise similar to the noise of the
engine of a plane during the flight and finally smoke that scents (white)(incense), in relation to the product
of combustion which is used for the ignition and the transportation of the
vehicle beyond the atmosphere. A product of combustion such
as hydrogen, which has a distinctive smell (exhaust).
further in order to support the above-mentioned, I found in Bible the following
text. Genesis chapter 3, 23-24 "So the Lord God banished him from the
Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove
the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a
flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of
We draw the
conclusion that this space station (the residence of gods named Olympus) was in
earth orbit and due to some event it was forced to enter a sun orbit in an
exactly diametrically opposed position to the Earth having the Sun as centre
(flaming sword flashing back and forth). From the information that I have
available, this space station
What became of
the space station that Homer describes in the Odyssey?
It was not
Skylab in order to drop, neither the MIR in order to lose its direction.
What then were
its residents? Gods?
I do not know
of any gods that live in a space station, however that may be possible, but the
residents of it are not Gods and since they use vehicles as means of
transportation to reach it, they are definitely not Gods.
So, what is
actually going on?
Greek Mythology
Rhapsody M chapters 127-141. Tiresias’ directives to
Odysseus following his decent to Hades (as we can see, Jesus Christ is not the
only person that went down to Hades and stepped upon death when he returned to
Earth, but also Odysseus, Orpheus, Theseus –
accompanied by his friend Pirithous - and Hercules. A
total number of five different individuals, all of them living before the
arrival of Christ, out of which the four came back to Earth, except Pirithous, whom Pluto kept imprisoned, because he along
with Theseus, had tried to steal his wife,
Persephone. This is where the subject about Hades’ nature rises. We will not
examine it in a metaphysical context, the same way regarded by religion and the
Gods, but within the sphere of reality and logic. My opinion concerning this
subject is analyzed below):
The directives
of Tiresias to Odysseus on his return in the
“When your
ship reaches the
Here we have
the Sun’s sheep and cattle being herd and no one, but no one dares to harm
them. Odysseus’ companions slaughtered a few of them, and now, we can read in
the Odyssey the effects of their actions.
Even before
this, there are reports about the cows of Sun-Apollo that are freely herded and
Hermes, when he had been given birth, dares to steal them and slaughter them,
the cattle of Geryon that are guarded by Ortheus and Hercules seizes them, etc.
One of today’s
main food sources is veal meat. What other kind of food would this people
(gods) eat up there in "
So, what was
actually happening?
The island the
Thrinaca where the cows of Sun were herded and all of
other information I mentioned before, are farms that supply and provide the
space station "OLYMPUS" with the necessary meat. What would happen if
they left the "mortals" to consume all the sheep, cattle, and cows?
They would not have anything to eat. They were forced to have all the advanced
security systems so that they could protect their food. Dogs, herders, and
maybe even robots, as it is obvious in the case of Geryon and his dog Ortheus
When our
ancestors offered sacrifice to the gods, they offered bull, because they could
see that the bull was a sacred animal and it was protected from them with a
penalty of death. When a human is hungry and he puts steaks to the fire to
roast them, the smell of burning meat pleases him, the same way that the Gods
of Olympus would be pleased, just like him. Therefore, in order for the gods of
In Jewish
mythology, God accepts Abel’s gift, the meat and not the gift of Cain, the
fruits. If you are a carnivorous, meat is far tastier than apples and pears,
the ones offered by Cain. Because of this, he envies and finally kills Abel (it
was his bad luck that he worshipped a carnivorous God instead of an
Therefore, the
bull is a sacred animal – calf - the cow. How strange it is for the bull to be
worshipped as sacred animal (Crete-Minoas) and all
the objects of worship ("idols") of all the nations to have the form
of bull.
Even these
days, in
We already
have added meat in their dietary, apart from the wheat that they would have
definitely grown (because meat, not accompanied by bread, cannot be eaten);
they also had the various offerings from the temples that they were given by
The conclusion
is drawn, that there was some sort of technology, or to be more particular, the
kind of technology that enables the escape from the atmosphere. In order to accomplish that, a certain kind of vehicle is necessary
– a spaceship.
Greek Mythology
– Apollonius from Rhodes - Argonautics (Kardamitsa Publications) Second Chapter - verse 674-684
"And to them the son of Leto (Apollo), as he
passed from Lycia far away to the countless folk of the Hyperboreans,
appeared; and about his cheeks on both sides his golden locks flowed in
clusters as he moved; in his left hand he held a silver bow, and on his back
was slung a quiver hanging from his shoulders; and beneath his feet all the
island quaked, and the waves surged high on the beach. Helpless amazement
seized them as they looked; and no one dared to gaze face to face into the fair
eyes of the god. And they stood with heads bowed to the ground; but he, far
off, passed on to the sea through the air;”
If we remove
the mythological element of this narration, what it is being described, is the
motion of a vehicle that has two nozzles, from which the fumes of the
exhaustion are released, i.e. hydrogen or any
other kind of fuel and, since there is radiation emitting, it is impossible to
watch the nozzles, while lowering your eyes to the ground, so you will not be
blinded. This vehicle is flying in the sky and it leaves the atmosphere behind.
We continue.
Trojan War -
the death of Achilles, when his mother Thetis comes to claim his body.
Narration (Athens Publishing page 124) - the Achaeans bury Antilochus
separately and then they clean the body of Achilles from all the blood, they
take care of it and they rest it upon his bed, while they lament him. Suddenly,
a great noise is heard coming out of the waves, so great that the Achaeans
frightened are prepared him run and hide in their boats. Nestor, however, calms
them down and explains to them that it was the mother of the dead Achilles, Thetis who was
arriving along with her immortal sisters to mourn the dead.
What was that
noise that came out of the waves? Thetis, daughter of Nereus - son of Neptune.
What kind of
noise does a submarine make when it rises from the bottom of the sea?
All it now
remains is the third member of the company, according to Hesiod’s Theogonia, when the Titans prevailed in the Titanomachy and divided the world (Zeus takes the
What is Hades?
I would
propose that certain researchers, instead of trying to discover the remains of
Noah’s ark, they should focus their attention on
discovering Hades. I believe the results will be far more impressive, along
with the findings.
I am of two
minds on this subject.
description of Hades, is one of a dark place, deep under in the ground where no
beam of sun reaches it (When the companions of Odysseus eat the cattle, the sun
threatens that he will go down there to shed light upon the dead, and Zeus
comes to calm him down, by saying to him that he will strike them with his
I originally
believed that Hades was in fact the Moon. It is the solar system’s body with
the most peculiar behaviour – more so, I believe, than any other in the galaxy.
1. It
is hollow on the inside (Hades). The Astronauts of Apollo 12-14-15-16 realized
that, when they installed seismographs on the Moon, and after they connected
them to the main spaceship that was orbiting the moon, they threw the lunar
module at it in order to produce an artificial earthquake. The Moon echoed as
an enormous bell for 3 continuous hours, until the vibration died out.
2. Its
orbit is almost circular around the Earth, which is very strange, since all the
known planets and their satellites have an elliptic one.
3. Because
of its synchronous rotation, only one side of the moon is visible to us. An
unseen side of it exists, one we cannot view form
Earth, for obvious reasons.
4. While
examining them from Earth, the discs of Sun and Moon seem to be the same in
size. This is happening because the true diameter of the Moon equals to 3456
kilometres, while the Sun’s equals to 1.353.600 kilometres, meaning that their
mathematical relation is about 1/400. The average distance of the Sun from the
Earth is 148.000.000 kilometres, while the Moon’s is only 400.000 kilometres
from here. What is strange here is that the mathematical relation between these
two distances is, also, about 1/400. Since the relation of distance and size is
the same, the apparent size of these two bodies is also the same and the
microscopic Moon seems to have the same size as the enormous Sun, and during
the eclipse, it naturally covers exactly the sun disc. Besides that, the Moon
has about the ¼ of Earth’s volume and despite the gravitational pull of
the Sun, it is not pulled away from her. Not only
this, but it also has an almost circular orbit, which remains the same during
thousands of years, while Ganymede, which has about the 1/20 of Jupiter’s
volume, has an elliptic orbit, and we know of Jupiter’s gravitational pull,
because of the way that it has shaped its closest satellite, Io. Earth is not
Jupiter; it is unable to keep the Moon with its gravity in a circular orbit.
5. According
to Apollonius of Rhodes, the Moon had not been formed in the Sky, when the
Arcadians existed here on earth along with the Peloponnesians. This means that
the Moon is a recent addition to the Solar system. Apollonius of
My second
opinion concerning Hades is based upon Hesiod’s narration in Theogony, and upon current religion.
And there, all in their order are the sources and ends
of gloomy earth and misty Tartarus and the unfruitful
sea and starry heaven, loathsome and dank, which even the gods abhor. It is a great gulf, and if once a man were within the gates, he
would not reach the floor until a whole year had reached its end, but cruel
blast upon blast would carry him this way and that. And this marvel is
awful even to the deathless gods. There stands the awful home of murky Night
wrapped in dark clouds.
From this narration, we draw the conclusion that
somewhere deep in Earth, a “magnetic” prison exists, where, according to
Hesiod, the opposition of the Civilization, which was worshipped as Gods, were
being imprisoned. Uranus, who, according to Hesiod, imprisoned his own
children, to keep them from taking away his authority, created this magnetic
The entrance to this magnetic prison, is in the area
that has been described as the Bermuda Triangle (great gulf), and in Earth’s
North Pole.
Other than that conclusion about the existence of a magnetic prison in
the center of the Earth, there is an existence of the strong magnetic field
which creates space in the lava,because
there is no material that could handle so high temperatures other than a
magnetic field, where energy forms of life released after the phenomenal death
of humans are trapped. It comes frome the above
reference from Isiodos, the existence of an
artificially created black hole in the center of Earth, which, if it runs out
of control by those who made it is capable of sucking the hole
Solar System. The fact I'm processing is sturdy and non-...about its reality.
This means that Earth and the whole Solar System are in danger of those who
created and control the black hole to be sucked by it. This means that the
existence of this black hole and whoever controls it has the ultimate super-weapon
under his control, who has the ability if he wants to
obliterate the Solar System from this region of the Galaxy. The following
photographs, taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on 23/11/1968, the hole appears
towards the center of the Earth on the North Pole. This photograph compared
with an astronomic photograph of the black hole shows perfect similarity.
Consider that, after taking that photo with the fore-mentioned satellite, no
photograph was released about this subject until today, despite the existence of
so many artificial satellites.
This is the place where the energy of the life
forms which are released at the moment of death, are being held. Hermes Trismegistous, Dion Publications, page 56 (When the mind
casts off its earthly body, it dresses itself in its own natural, fiery chiton, that it could not have while it was residing in the
earthly body, because earth cannot stand the fire.), as well as the
opposing “Gods” (Zeus-Apollo, etc), of a Civilization which has colonised the
Solar System. Hesiod mentions misty Tartarus and a
very powerful magnetic field (cruel blast upon blast would carry him this way
and that - magnetic storm). When the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle is
taking place, it gets very misty and a magnetic storm is occurring, which
causes the malfunction of the aircrafts’ instruments (Flight 47 Disappearance
of Aircrafts – Ships, etc). However, caves used to be able to give passageway
to the realm of Hades. Hercules’ descent to Hades, Theseus’ and Pirithous’ decent to
However, this subject is ideal for an investigative
research, which I believe will bring to light a great deal of evidence
concerning its existence.
It is something real, not something that belongs to
the realms of fantasy and metaphysics.
There are many more scriptures among the works of the
Ancient Greeks, which prove to us that the God's possessed technology that
normally belongs in modern times. Or even more precisely, technology of an age
that is yet to come, such as advanced robotics (see TALOS robot during the
Minoan times in Crete, mixture of genetics and robotics (see the creation of
Pandora - Greek Mythology), and many more, out of which I could easily fill 2 -
3 pages, simply by noting them.
Let’s see a more recent time.
Exodus of the Jewish from
Old Testament – Exodus, chapter 19, verses 16 – 19
“And it
came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and
lightning, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet
exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled.
And Moses
brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at
the nether part of the mount.
And when the
voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice“
In the
following two pictures, I give you my opinion about what had happened.
Where was this civilization created? According to the
Greek Mythology, before the deluge,
Plato - Timaeus
“And there you dwelt, having such laws as these and
still better ones, and excelled all mankind in all virtue, as became the children
and disciples of the gods”
Someone would say that this is an alien civilization.
This goes against every single one of their activities
that took place here in
In addition, they are genetically similar to every
other human, having the same genes-characteristic as every other human being on
They come to Earth and they make love to mortal women,
which give birth to their children. Here on Earth, different species cannot
reproduce among them, i.e. humans and animals do not produce children. Could
this be possible with genetic material from another planet?
They have all the character flaws that people here on
Earth have; they have the same joeys, the same petty selfishness, and delights.
They can get hurt by humans (Diomedes during the
Trojan war hurt Aphrodite and Ares, who while screaming from the intense pain,
run for refuge to Olympus (space station) and heals himself, as well as
Aphrodite (advance medicine with the use
of clean pharmaceuticals - space).
They are unable to save their own children and other
mortals from harm, i.e. Zeus cannot save his son Sarpidon,
neither Hector from Death, because "the fates had already written their
In addition, by studying Hesiod's Work and Days, he
mentions that Gods and men were born together.
A civilization that manage to acquire technology to
enable it to escape the gravitational pull of the earth, would naturally try to
protect it and keep it for itself, by letting no other of Earth's
Civilizations, also acquire it.
It is quite possible, that in the future there will be
conflict between us this Civilization, since our design is to attempt to
colonize the planets that are close to our own, such as the Moon and Mars. This
is certain, because this Civilization has declared through religion, that it is
willing to fight us. That will happen very shortly, before we get the chance to
colonize the Moon and Mars.
Of course, some humanistic elements were and still are
a part of this Civilization i.e. Prometheus, who was the minority. As we can
see in the mythology, they were without power, and they were being punished for
their actions that they performed, while trying to help other Civilizations of
the Earth, to reach into space, to gain knowledge, by transferring the know-how
(supply of nuclear weapons to the humans) (Prometheus punishment by Zeus).
This Civilization, since the space around the Earth,
as well as above it, was filled with terrible civil wars, overthrows,
dictatorships (Cronos overthrew Uranus, and then Zeus
overthrew Cronos – the conflict between them is known
as Titanomachy. Zeus prevailed, though he was soon
overthrown too, and two of his children, Athena and Dionysus, finally
prevailed), it destroyed every single of Earths Civilizations, which made steps
in order to reach the space age.
Fight of the Giants – deluge – today’s civilization –
(Revelation, Dionysus and Athena prevailed, us today’s leaders of this
Plato Timaeus, Zacharopoulos publications, chapter 3, pages 69-85
Plato while
conversing with Socrates and Timaeus, Solon’s visit to Egypt and what the local priests told him.
lived around 480 BC
He mentions that many great disasters had taken place
a long time ago, disasters caused by water, fire and from many other causes and
he explains the reasons why.
The essence of his narration is the following.
He reports:
And whatever happened either in your country or in
ours, or in any other region of which we are informed-if there were any actions
noble or great or in any other way remarkable, they have all been written down
by us of old, and are preserved in our temples.
Whereas just when you and other nations are
beginning to be provided with letters and the other requisites of civilized
life, after the usual interval, the stream from heaven, like a pestilence,
comes pouring down, and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters
and education; and so you have to begin all over again like children, and know
nothing of what happened in ancient times,
either among us or among yourselves.
for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In
the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous
ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land
the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your
whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.
And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of
that destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time, Solon,
before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in
war and in every way the best governed of all cities,is
said to have performed the noblest deeds and to have had the fairest
constitution of any of which tradition tells, under the face of heaven.
The natural disasters are described first here, and
then the heaven’s current, which in regular time intervals, destroys everything
as soon as the cities organize themselves and sends everything back to the
Stone Age.
The reason why, is the one mentioned above, and
secondly, Heaven's current is governed by dictators, and a dictatorship never
tolerates any other better political beliefs, like those that we hear being
spoken beneath the Heaven's, more so, if it has the ability to impose its will.
Naturally, we do not refer to Ancient Greece, but to an age, that is even older
than that.
So we have the deluge, since we are actually living on
a bomb, because of all the water, and those psychopaths (Heaven's current), can
blow us up, at any given time.
How will this happen? For example, if we were to place
100 nuclear bombs in the bottom of the ocean, that will explode simultaneously.
The temperature that will be created would be of a million degree causing the
water to vaporize, and the localized disappearance of the Earth’s crust.
Besides the water turning to steam, due to the high temperatures caused by the
explosion, million of other tons of water will fall
to the Earth's core. So, what will happen? Where would this sudden vaporization
of water expand?
Its direction will not be downwards, but upwards. The
sea explodes and every form of life, both in the sea and on the ground, will be
vanished. At the same time, the vapours rise to the atmosphere, and rain will
fall when they turn to water, not pouring rain, but a kind of rain such as has
never been seen. The destruction of our civilization will also occur, because
of the fall of an enormous meteorite into the sea, resulting in a gigantic
tsunami, one that will drown every single one of the Earth’s inhabitants. This
is described in the Apocalypse, which means that they have done that in the
past, and they will probably do it again it in the future. I believe that this
is what happened during the deluge. Also
destruction of our culture can be done by changing the polarity of the magnetic
field of Earth. This can be done by gathering considerable sums in energy intensity
in Earth's atmosphere resulting in ionization of the atmosphere of Earth, the
superiority, in this result, they have. This enormous concentration of energy
in the atmosphere (the technology on this feature) may change the polarity of
the magnetic field of the Earth with catastrophic effects for the planet and
our civilization. Test this superiority in a small area on Earth, was the
beginning of 1900 in Siberia with the result that literally burned by the high
temperature developed
a vast region of Siberia which remain unexplained to date them. I
believe this was during the flood (change of polarity of the magnetic field of
the planet so the water to flood the entire planet and the destruction of the
then existing culture of the land). This may happen during the purported year
2012. There's so much paranoia that their use may be an astronomical event, the
alignment ie 5 planets
of our solar system, which will be held
on December 21, 2012, as time point, to
hit the world and human culture.
Reading Jesus Christ's beliefs upon this matter –
Gospel of Mark, chapter 13, verses 7 – 37 - that not a single stone will not be
ruined, and according to the divine plan, first the gospels will be spread
throughout the world and woe to the pregnant women and the women that
breastfeed during those times (nuclear strike). The sun will turn black and the
Moon will no shed its light (nuclear strike) and the day of the attack, is
known only to his Father Dionysus, because Jesus Christ knows that his
father Dionysus, possesses great power within his hands having obtained nuclear
weapons and this because Crhist, during his reign, had direct acces in controlling nuclear weapons,
has direct acces in controlling Spaceships Commanders. Reading the Apocalypse, in which the attack to Earth by meteorites is being described, causing radioactive residuum, the poisoning of the waters and
the extinction of every single form of life here, upon this Earth, caused by
every kind of Dionysus artefacts (Apocalypse, chapter 16, verses 1-21). A new
species of man will be created, called the chosen ones (Energy
life forms) (Rising of the dead) which will live in Space. From all of this, we
draw the conclusion, that the threat is not imagined, but it is indeed, quite
real. Reading the Apocalypse, which describes the attack on this planet by
nuclear weapons from space, and at the same time keeping in mind that according
to the Greek Mythology, Zeus made our civilization, we draw the conclusion that
the lunatic who is in charge of this Civilization (Dionysus) has a Divine Plan.
His plan is to wipe out every single one of Earth's life forms, so he, along
with his chosen ones (who will be energy life forms), will reside in space, a
huge space stations that have been already been built.
1. Don Wilson's book: The Secrets of our Spaceship Moon, by
'In the December of 1968, the space shuttle Apollo 8
carried the astronauts Frank Borman, James A. Lovell,
William A. Anders, to an orbit around the Moon. The shuttle was already in
orbit around the Moon, the astronauts had seen its dark side, when suddenly
they encountered an enormous alien spaceship (Could this be the space station
that Homer mentions in the Odyssey?) and they manage to photograph it.
According to their estimates, it was about 16 square kilometres." This
book was published in 1978.
2. Photograph of an Unidentified Flying Object, which
had been taken by the Russian space shuttle Phobos
II, while it was close to Mars' satellite Phobos,
before it got lost (because it disappeared without a trace), showed this (UFO)
that had a length of 15 1/2 miles. This photograph was kept as a guarded
secret, until the fall of the
3. Picture huge in size unidentified object which was
taken by the U.S. spacecraft Cassini indicating that the object moves through
and over the rings of Saturn. This photograph was taken by the Cassini
September 2009 and available on the NASA page on the Cassini.
4. On the 22st of December
2010, Russian newspaper Pravda published the following piece of information. Three
giant spaceships are heading towards Earth. The biggest of those is 240
kilometers long. The other two are smaller. Until this moment, those objects
are beyond the orbit of Pluto. The spaceships were detected by the HAARP
research system. This system is based on Alaska and was initially designed for
studying the aurora phenomenon (the Pravda article hints that HAARP has also
space-observing capabilities). According to SETI researchers, the objects are
nothing but alien spaceships. They will become clear on optical telescopes when
the reach Mars’ orbit. The US Government is aware of the forthcoming event (3rd
photo attached) (english.pravda.ru/22-12-2010).
What we have here is the same pieces of information,
from two different individual sources, one in 1978, one in 1991 and one in 2009. The
information about enormous constructs, far beyond our current capability to
construct anything, exist in our Solar system, in the
space close to Earth. In addition, more recent information and photographs that
had been taken from spaceships that orbit Mars show us the existence of cities
and constructs on this planet.
Nuclear warheads will hit our heads, and we will be
happy, because we are about to meet God.
We have been brainwashed for so many years.
I believe after close examination, that there is
danger of an imminent destruction of humankind, apart from the
"Mormons" who have been preparing themselves for this.
magazine, issue No 22, February 1998, page 66.
“Right now, the Mormons have in their possession a
whole mountain located in the
You can
imagine a nightmarish future world to live into (every life form here one Earth will have been vanished by the above mentioned
Civilization), where the Mormons are the only survivors, because thanks to
their religion they are aware of what is going to happen and the have taken their measures. They are planning to be
worshiped as if they were worshiped like Gods by every nation after the deluge,
because they have cultivated these insane and illogical beliefs into man’s
mentality, by his return back to the Stone Age. A
psychopathic mentality in all its glory. It is psychopathic, because
they have placed themselves, in the place of God, whose cells are the Stars and
his organs are the Galaxies, the cosmic radiation is his conscience, this
cosmic energy that radiates throughout this great space, this enormous life
form that we call the Universe.
The Ignorant
Naivety of every religion has laid the ideological setting, thanks to their
naivety without any examination of what is going on, brainwashing for years
into legalizing and excusing this attack, so that we may safely go to meet “our
Maker”, filled with joy, without any reluctance. It is Ignorant Naivety,
because without analyzing the facts and data, without any spiritual reluctance,
they cultivated and support the fabrication that these psychopaths have
promoted. This fabrication is about a God which is interpreted as a transition
of information so that your prospective opponent will be obliterated
military-wise, the one who you are about to strike, so that when the time comes
(the Divine Plan, the date of which is known only to Dionysus) to strike him,
he will offer no resistance. A perfect tactic, a perfect
brainwashing by an advantaged civilization in order to win a war, in this
modern technological age. Every one of today’s religions refers to that.
In the times before, they were not aware of what was exactly happening, because
they could not interpret it with today’s technical data, so they believed all
of this as a religion. It is information that comes though religion and through
the ancient texts, from past generations to the ones of these days, which have
the technological knowledge and they can interpret with today’s technical data,
what our ancestors were unable to, and they brought to us this information
through religion and though their works, mostly Plato’s. For example, today we
can interpret what Jesus Christ referred to as his Heavenly Father, whose
kingdom is not here on earth, but in Heaven. It is up to us, since we have the
technical ability to interpret this information, to stop exalting it.
religious leaders (Patriarch – Pope – Archbishops – Bishops) should revise a
great deal of today’s religion. Because if we interpret the Old and New
Testament, as well as the Apocalypse, with today’s technical data, we reach the
result that those who were worshipped as gods, in times before and today, are
indeed Humans, who were born here on Earth (Zeus, Dionysus, Athena, Dionysus
son Jesus Christ – the grandson of Zeus). Dionysus is presented as Yahweh,
Athena as the Holy Spirit – A holy trinity by the children and grandson of Zeus
(of the same essence, indivisible authority). The devil of the three
monotheistic religions is Zeus. I certainly do not except from today’s
religious leaders to revise what they believe in, because thanks to their
naivety these religions serve the purpose of the fifth of Dionysus’ Phalanx
against man. He, as well as his father Zeus before him, eliminated the
Civilizations that took steps to advance and reach the Space age, because of
the overpopulation, (Earth had gotten heavier due to all the people and he
complained to Zeus about it) and he assumed to destroy them, so he (Dionysus), has
made up his mind to destroy man’s civilization.
governments of the Earth’s nations should prepare themselves against the threat
that is posed by this Civilization that resides in space. By believing in the
various religions, the fall directly into the trap, that has been set by this
Civilization, the perfect and total brainwashing that has been taking place
centuries now. We must look directly into their eyes, try to approach them as
Earth’s civilization, and make them understand that we do not consider them
Gods, but an advanced Civilization, superior to ours. If this approach does not
convince them that they are not Gods, a way must be found for us to descent to
the centre of the Earth, where inside the lava there is a space formed by a
powerful magnetic field called Hades or Tartarus,
where Zeus and Apollo are being held prisoners. We must set them free, simply,
in order to learn what man truly is and what happened in the past, despite the
wrath of Dionysus and Athena that this action will befall on us. We must find a
way to descent into the Earths centre and release all these energy life forms
(any that may still exist and have not lost their energy inside the lava) that
are created by mans death. This is where Zeus was
imprisoned during the war he had against mankind, when finally Zeus himself
fell into the prison that he built for mankind. His Son, Dionysus, keeps this
prison active to this day. Great was the hatred of that person (Zeus) against
humankind and all of the Earth’s Civilizations that had been destroyed by this
Civilization that has colonized the Solar System. He was described justly by
religion as the Devil. This disgrace of Hades, this prison of man, should end. This
reality of our eternal imprisonment in the center of the earth this reality
full katarrakosis and humiliation of human existence
from a civilization that preceded us from leaving space. From a Civilization of mutant genes in birds. Should
understand, realize that 14 Km beneath our feet is carnage people.
Since we
understand that this threat is quite real and present, we should try
approaching the Humanitarians of this Civilizations (I believe I know who these
Humanitarians might be), to acquire certain technological know-how concerning
the making of spaceships that will have the ability to escape Earth’s
atmosphere with flexible movements (UFOs). That way, we may be given a chance
to stand against this threat, and save human civilization from obliteration.
Their spaceships are frequently seen as UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). The spaceships of Dionysus and Athena. Spaceships that are
more advanced technologically than ours. Possessing nuclear weapons is not
enough, since we will not be able to use them against them, against the space
station that is close to the sun, against the hollow Moon that they use as the
main base of operations and against the space station that they have on Mars.
We do not have any ships that can strike at their bases in the Solar system. We
will not be the ones that are attacking, but the ones that are defending
themselves. What comes first is the survival of Earth’s civilization. We must
find a way to communicate with the Energy Being called Earth or Gaia (see
Hesiod’s Theogonia, Theory of Gaia of James
Lovelock), since it provided help to different Civilizations of the Earth that
were destroyed by this Civilization. This is the one that created us – it
created three different life forms, plant life form (plants), animal life forms
(animals, humans, insects) and energy life forms (Gods and the life form that
is created when humans die, which cannot be detected by our senses, a life form
made by cosmic energy that is spread throughout the universe). We must not
destroy it with our mindless actions here on Earth (pollution of the planet,
destruction of the environment). This is the way it must be, because EARTH is
also a life form. Our ancestors, who through their works transmitted this
information, one that is close to being acceptable today (GAIA theory),
understood this. The wars between us must cease and we must understand that we
have a common enemy called Dionysus or Bacchus or Yahweh, who with the help of
his Civilization, threatens to obliterate with nuclear weapons our
Civilization, to vanish every life form here on Earth, as we know and
understand it here on this planet. We must face them and take the necessary information
from an already existing Universal database, by connecting to this universal
INTERNET. The living organism called Universe had created this and inside it
are stored16 billion years worth of recorded information. It also characterized
as Akashic Field and billions of the universe’s
advanced Civilizations have access to it. The data stored there will help us to
gain a force equal to the one that this Civilization already has,data which enable
us to obtain equal power to the power obtained by that Civilization,power which enables
them to explode planets (see explosion of the fifth planet-today's asteroid belt between Mars
and Jupiter), powers which enables then to place the Moon in orbit around the Earth
(select or its correct name, Planet Nabiru), in order for us to obtain the power
to confront them, so that we can face them. Only two people so far have gained access
to the enormous volume of information that is stored in this Universal
database. One of them was Nicola Tesla and Edgar Cayce was the other one. The
cosmic radiation that has spread throughout the Universe must be analyzed,
because it contains vital information and data that we have not yet managed to
decode. This universal INTERNET is the conscience of this living organism
called the UNIVERSE, to which advanced Alien Civilizations that have developed
in that space occupied by the Universe, have access to. The leaders of this
Planet, must include to the what they plan for the future of this Planet and
the generations that will follow, to take this information concerning this
threat – a Civilization of psychopaths that threatens to declare war, one that
has immense fire power in its hand. I insist on this characterization that I
have given to this Civilization, because, despite its ability to enter Space
before we do, despite its very advanced technological progress it has achieved,
when it comes down to the development of human emotions, a level of psycho
synthesis / conscience, it is still quite primitive. This has happened, because
this Civilization consists of our ancestors, Humans who as soon as they realize
that they have great power in their hands, they are possessed by it and lose
their senses. This is a characteristic feature of people here on Earth, on we
see in every one of their activities, which is also a characteristic feature of
people that reside in Space. We must let go of the naivety that defines us, and
correctly examine the information and data, in order to avert the imminent destruction
of Earth’s Civilization.
My thoughts
are the result of a research that has taken many years, though I do not wish to
confound anyone, since what I am interested in is Humankind and its continued
existence here on this planet, such as it is, not as Dionysus wishes and plans
for his chosen ones in Space. A planet that we must stop
polluting with our activities.
The following
images justified to say that I who love the ancient Greeks gods that we worship
God today and what we describe today as aliens are the
same people.
In the following
photos give my opinion on the format outlined above for the energy-energy life
form holograms, The form human take when they die (non apparent to our emotions
(first photograph) and the form this Civilization has (apparent to our emotions)
(second photograph) and which form we could take if we weren't imprisoned inside
the center of the Earth,if we came in touch with the Solar energy.
Other than all these I mention above, due to the
arrival of those three (3) ships, each 240 kms long
and which will be orbiting Earth , there are these data:
So, let’s review our data in this direction:
They also have the ability during their exodus to
another solar system, if they meet another Civilization as advanced as them
(aliens) to obliterate it if it stands in the way of their goals.
they plan to destroy every life form on the planet. On a planet Earth and a Solar System which will not exist anymore
due to the existance of a black hole. Creating
new energy forms of life with the death of humans, taking the elites aboard on
their journey to find another solar system and disposing of the non-elites
inside the activated black hole, disintegrating every form of life created
after our phenomenal death. This is a conclusion reached by reading the Book of
Revelation. The Book of Revelation mentioned the second death of humans, more
tragic than the first death from the black hole. In the end of the Revelation,
after all events which describes that will come first,
it will result to a huge space metropolis inhabuted
by all people, of the Sky and of Earth. I believe that this huge space
metropolis (which if it existed in this solar system it would be located from
us), exists in another solar system, according to my forementioned
thoughts. And these thoughts enhance my argument that this Space Metropolis
will be created in another Solar System. This is possible with the data I present above that
it’s not a wild guess created by fantasy. And it is possible with the ships
they possess for an exodus to another solar system, similar to ours. The
existence of a black hole in the center of the Earth is a solid fact whose
reality can’t be overthrown. It is mentioned by Hesiod in is work “THEOGONY”,
as well as a scientist, L. RIOFRIO. She reckons that this Black Hole is a
natural phenomenon and I reckon, using Hesiod as a reference,
that it’s artificially created. The issue is that it exists in the
center of the Earth. The only hope for mankind’s survival are
those 3 spaceships that are heading towards aerth and
will orbit Earth or the Sun . There are three of them, plus
one photographed by Cassini on Saturn’s rings (prhotograph
provided above), 4 plus one photographed by Russian satellite PHOVOS in the
orbit of Phovos, Mars’ satelite
(18.5 miles long), 5 plus one photographed by the crew on Apollo 8 in Moon’s
orbit, 6, other than those smaller UFOs which come and go and I don’t know how
many are undetected by us. These forementioned ships
are the only hope of mankind for survival. Because they are ships constructed
for intergallactic journeys. This is apparent from
their size and velocity. As for Earth, its fate is predetermined,
This has to be understood by humans. Here on earth, a planetary goverment shold be formed and
negotiate with the Leaders of this Civilization which is coming about the
transport, if possible, of all humans, living or dead (because they are living
too, only prisoned), and not only a selected few, in
the planned exodus of humankind in another Solar System similar to ours, away
from the coming nightmare which threatens to suck all of our Solar System.Summing up what I mention above brings up the following facts. The brain of a deceased human, when it shuts down, it creates in the space which we call Universe a copy. This copy has the form of an Energy Hologram and contains information from the deceased human's life. It contains his memory, his conscience, his feelings, his personality. This copy is unseen and incomprehensible by the senses of the rest of humans and becomes visible and comprehensible if it comes in contact with solar energy. It obtains the form of an Energy Hologram. After this happening, some beings who we, humans, call and worship as Gods, and who they call Gods themselves and it's a human civilization which has beaten us in reaching Space inside the Solar System, they created 14 km below our feet, inside lava, a space which they and we call Hades, they created an immensely strong magnetic field which repels lava and inside this space they placed collectors which capture this Energy Hologram Copy and imprison it inside this magnetic field, with a goal to avoid a similar and competitive civilization to theirs by the humans. Because they have the same form as those Energy Holograms. Because they are Energy Holograms themselves. Below this space, Hades, they created in the deepest depths of Earth a Black Hole where they dump their opponents inside, as well as every Energy Hologram Copy of those who during their lifetime were important people, scientists, etc, with a direct goal to avoid a future Civilization, similar and competitive to theirs, by the humans. Because if a second similar and competitive to them Civilization gets created by the humans, they are already gone. There is no possibility of a cooperation between the two Civilizations. By creating and controlling this Black Hole in the present, which is able to suck in the whole Solar System, they signed their own death will inside the space where they exist and prosper. Because, by creating this Black Hole which, at the moment, they control and hide, they set their own existence inside the Solar System in jeopardy. Because this Black Hole which sucks energy gets bigger and bigger and they are going to struggle controlling it in the future. This is why they created-designed a way to evacuate this Solar System towards another. So, they manufactured huge ships, 300-400 km long, which have been detected by us, which thanks to the velocity they can acquire, they are able to conduct this evacuation, escape from the nightmare themselves created. Taking with them the very important humans, according to them, and dumping the rest of the humans inside the Black Hole they no longer control, killing and annihilating them inside this Black Hole. So, this is the current reality and this reality should be understood by the humans in order for us to seek a way to react to this forthcoming situation. Because the people of Earth live inside a virtual reality, worshiping those lunatics as Gods, not being able to evaluate how grave this situation is, living and prospering inside this virtual reality, which takes away their ability to react, some kind of reaction against this grave situation.
George Kiparissis
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